Sunday, March 2, 2008

DADES Chapter 7

This was another John-Centric Chapter. he goes to work, and picks up a diseased cat to bring to the vet. it dies on the way there. he goes to work, and his boss suddenly starts to act condescendingly towards him. he calls him a chickenhead, which he never did before, and made him perform tasks he was incapable of. he made him call the owner of the cat, and give his wife the bad news. Isador is bad with talking to strangers, but he does surprisingly well. the wife decides to order a replica of the cat so the husband wont get upset. Isador gets nervous, and hands the phone over to his fellow coworker. he finishes up the call, and then tells John to call the company and order an ersatz replica. he tells him not to give them the body, and to be firm with them.

The chapter was pretty boring, with the exception of two things i think need to be looked into. the first one was Buster Friendly's god-like status. he seemingly never sleeps, and he has two different programs going on live, at the same time. although J.R.'s "honorable" boss suggests that he has a godlike status similar to Wilbur Mercer, I believe that Buster, along with his "friendly friends" are all androids. im not quite sure if they are some of the 6, but i am almost certain that they are androids. it makes sense for a robot to challenge mercerism, and the empathy box. they want them out of the picture, because they create a possibility to expose them of the apathetic androids that they are. they have no empathy, so the empathy box has no effect on them. plus, buster appears to be rich, and in that case, why would he stay on earth with such a high risk of becoming a special? it seems that other than financially, the only other reason anyone stays on earth willingly is to keep some kind of Attatchment to Mercerism, which Friendly does not believe in anyways.

The other interesting point of the chapter that I picked up was when Isador was the only one effected by the death of the animal. this could mean 1 of two things.

1) the majority of society on earth is an android. in the movie "The Matrix" there were real people in the matrix, but there were also programs, made to keep their society moving along the way those in control wanted it to. I think that it might be similar to that. there are humans in earth, but there are a lot of androids send out by the government working with the Rosen Association, in order to keep the humans in line.


2) Specials have this "heightened sense of empathy" of sorts. maybe, when they degenrate to specials, they loose their some of mental capabilities and/or senses, in exchange for being more empathetic. maybe im reading too much into one little line, but i think there is some importance to it.

as i was typing, i remembered one minor detail that might also be important, and that was the fact that the dust hinders EVERYONE'S abilities in some way or another. Isador's boss is becoming blind due to the dust.

all very confusing, but only time will tell if any of it can have sense mad of it.

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