Thursday, March 6, 2008

DADES Chapter 9

first of all, i want to apologize to anyone who is forced to read all these ramblings. second of all, i would like to apologize for doing it late. i started too late, and ended up writing waaay too much about it, ending up finishing almost an hour late.

Ok. just finished reading, and wow. this was by far the best chapter of the book so far. things ar really heating up.

So, at the beginning, rick goes to the opera to watch Luba Luft perform, and later give her the empathy test. he then goes to her dressing room, and gives her the test. it seems that she has an idea of what the VK test is, and is tricking Rick. my evidence for this was that she answered every question with an odd response, all dodging the question. this way, the test wouldnt be able to acurately gauge her reaction. the best comparison i could make is to say that it is a kin to answering every question on a polygraph test with "maybe."

after a few questions that she seems to skew into seeming sexist or obscene, she comes up with an excuse to stop taking the test. she calls the cops on him, saying that he is a pervert, asking her obscene questions. the officer, named crams, then takes him away to the hall of justice. rick swears that it was on one street, and he goes there for work every day. Crams, on the other hand, says that it is on another street. rick, who has now been captured by the androids, hypothesizes that they are all working together in some sort of way. he admits that he may die soon, and decides just not to resist, and, from what i got, he's tust going to sit back, and watch things play out, until he has to take action.

several times in the chapter, both Luft and Crams suggest that Rick is an android. early in the novel i was thinking that that was going to be the big "sixth sense" type reveal at the end of the novel. that Rick is really an android sent out to either A) kill all the other androids, and once he did, he would be terminated by his supervisors, or B) he was one of the wide population of androids, who was sent to kill off the remainder of the human population, who are resisting the robot takeover.

both seem kinda outlandish, but i think at this point still early in the novel, they are both still possible, but unlikely. i like that they pointed out that Rick could be an android, who killed the former Rick, and is now running around in his name. that is also a possibility. something that popped into my head as i was writing, and i thought "what if Rick didn't actually win the duel with pokolov?" what if, the rick we've been following in chapters 1 through 8 was a human, but at the moment that he dueled with pokolov, he died. pokolov won. some time later, days, weeks , or even months later, the rosens made a new rick, and programmed his memory so that he killed pokolov, and set the android out to go after Luft. if this is true, which i have no real expectation that it will be, then, maybe Crams will take him to the androids headquarters of sorts, and there waiting for him, is the leader of the renegade andys, max pokolov. he then explains to them that the real rick is dead, and he is really just a replication of the true rick. once again, i doubt that this will ever happen, but i think it would be cool if it did.

as to where rick is being taken, i have no idea. he might just be taken to his death, but i like the idea that he is being escorted to the android HQ, where they will try and find out how much he and his men know about them, and use it to their advantage.

another idea that i like, but i cannot take credit for, is the one that BeBe proposed, that rick is being set up by bryant, and the higer ups in the police dept. this could mean that they are actually androids, trying to protect their fellow andys, and trying to get rid of rick, making it look like an accident, or it could mean that the andys bribed the police to let them dispose of rick. maybe, it was a sort of favor for them, in the first place. maybe rick knew too much about the androids, or the government's corruption, or something. at some point, he found out something that seemed small, but was a very important detail that he couldnt be let to know. they had to kill him to keep him from telling anyone else. maybe it was the fact that rachael rosen was an android. i dont really know. now that i think about it, pokolov could have been sent BY THE POLICE TO KILL RICK in the first place, but when that didnt work, Crams was the alternate choice to dispose of him. now that i think about it, thats the theory that i want to go with. RICK KNOWS SOMETHING THE POLICE, THE ROSENS, OR THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT WANT HIM TO KNOW, AND THEY SENT POLOKOV TO DISPOSE OF HIM. WHEN THAT DIDNT WORK, THEY GOT CRAMS TO FINISH THE JOB THAT POKOLOV FAILED AT. HE IS TAKING HIM TO BE KILLED NOW.

ok, i need to stop coming up with all these crazy theories, before my blog post becomes longer than the actual chapter.


Beersheba said...

Shame on you.

malcolm said...

lol. yeah. i know. i have no life. but im willing to accept it.

Anonymous said...

Good Summary, a little long but its ok, good to read