Monday, March 10, 2008

DADES Chapter 12

in this chapter, we learn that phil resch is not an android, but once again, the fact that we question it is enough to say that they are too similar to easily discern. after phil learns that he is not an android, he noticeably calms down, and acts more confident.

luba luft tries to mess with phil, accusing him of being an android and such. i wonder how many escape androids know that they are androids, and how many think theyre human. and on that note, i would also like to know how many there really were. if the police office was really "crawling" with androids, then there must be many of them.

and now to the paintings. the first one, "the scream." screaming is a human emotion, but the figure is alone and scared, like an android. the vast, soundless bridge is a representation of human emotion, or at least the emotion of the painter. he feels scared, and alone. alone because he is scared, or scared because he is alone, we don't know. it can compare to rick, because he feels alone. talking to his wife is like talking to a brick wall, and isador literally does talk to one. i cant really discern what the other painting represents. all i can figure is that the girl in the painting is awkward, and trying to fit in, just like luba luft.

the other interesting fact that continues to appear is rick's attraction to androids. not much more can be said that hasn't been said about previous chapters, but i still predict that he is going to leave iran for rachel.

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